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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

My Top 5 Hip Hop Albums: No. 5 Black Moon - Enta Da Stage #CrateGreats

             I love the cover of this album from the photo to the font.  Most important, I love the music.  From the moment I heard that intro to "Who Got Da Props", I was hooked.  And the album was very key to my creativity at the time.  I did a lot of designing while listening to this album.

             It's a winter season album.  The best Hop Hop albums of that time were East Coast, New York City albums, always depicting dudes in the cold rocking their "Tims" and big winter coats.  The struggle could only be depicted in the wintertime because ain't no one struggling while surrounded by palm trees, in their shorts and Air Max.  

            I just loved the whole atmosphere of the album.  It was a journey from the beginning to the end and I still rock those joints like it was the day they came out.


Simon Thompson.

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